Ryan P. McCormick
Senior Vice President & Counsel

Ryan McCormick is Senior Vice President and Counsel at The Real Estate Roundtable, where he is responsible for managing the organization’s tax policy activities. Ryan coordinates the Roundtable’s Tax Policy Advisory Committee, a group of 150 leading real estate tax experts, including in-house tax directors, general counsel, and chief financial officers of Roundtable members and senior partners from national law and accounting firms.

Ryan joined the Roundtable in May 2013 after serving nearly 11 years in the U.S. Senate as a tax and economic policy advisor for Senators Daniel Patrick Moynihan, John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, Bob Graham and Bill Nelson. In the 112th Congress, Ryan was Staff Director of the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth. As staff director, Ryan guided and oversaw all aspects of the subcommittee’s activities, including bipartisan hearings on tax reform.

In addition to his service in the Senate, Ryan previously practiced tax law at Miller & Chevalier (“shev-a-leer”) in Washington, D.C., the oldest tax law firm in the country. He is a graduate of Georgetown University; Sciences-Po (“see-ons pō”) in Paris, France; and the University of Texas School of Law. From 2000 to 2001, Ryan researched tax reform in West Africa as a Fulbright Scholar.