Seven-Year TRIA Reauthorization Passed as Part of $1.4 Trillion Spending Bill

A seven-year reauthorization of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) was approved this week by the House and Senate as part of a year-end funding bill (H.R. 1865).  The provision reauthorizes TRIA through 2027, a year ahead of its slated sunset date of Dec. 31, 2020. (TRIA provisions on pages 1233–1236 of the year-end funding legislation). 

The measure is part of a massive $1.4 trillion congressional spending deal to fund the government until the end of the fiscal year – Sept. 20, 2020.  President Trump is expected to sign two separate funding bills to keep the government open past midnight tonight. 

Roundtable Chair Debra Cafaro (Ventas, Inc.) stated, “The Real Estate Roundtable is pleased that TRIA will be extended until 2027.  This federal terrorism insurance backstop was enacted following 9-11 and has been extended and reformed several times since. We cannot overstate the valuable safety and liquidity that the program brings to the US economy, businesses of all manner and commercial real estate markets.”

A long-term, “clean” reauthorization of TRIA, well in advance of its expiration, has been a top policy goal of The Roundtable.  This was achieved a full year ahead of schedule.  (Roundtable background on TRIA)

In addition to TRIA, the omnibus appropriations bill (H.R. 1865) contains several other positive measures affecting real estate.  The tax and funding extensions include: 

  • The EB-5 Regional Center Program, which provides visas to foreign nationals who pool their investments in regional centers to finance U.S. economic development projects.  The program would be extended until Sept. 2020.  Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regulations that took effect in November presently govern key elements of the EB-5 program regarding investment levels and Targeted Employment Area (TEA) definitions.   
  • The National Flood Insurance Program.  Without the extension, the program’s borrowing authority would have been reduced from $30.4 billion to $1 billion. The program would also be extended until Sept. 2020.   (BGov and CQ, Dec. 20)
  • Tax measures would be extended through the end of 2020.  They include (1) the section 179D tax deduction for energy efficient commercial building property; (2) the section 25C tax credit for energy efficient improvements to principal residences; (3) the section 45L tax credit for construction of new energy efficient homes; (4) the tax exclusion for home mortgage debt forgiveness; (5) the tax deduction for mortgage insurance premiums; and (6) the New Markets Tax Credit;
  • The Brand USA program would be extended through fiscal year 2027.  Brand USA promotes travel to the U.S. through a public-private partnership that is funded through private-sector donations and funds collected from foreign visitors to the U.S.

This week also saw the House pass legislation (H.R. 5377) that would temporarily raise and then eliminate for two years the $10,000 cap on state and local tax (SALT) deductions, which would be paid for by permanently raising the top individual tax rate to 39.6%.  This “messaging” bill is unlikely to be taken up in the GOP-controlled Senate and President Trump has also threatened to veto it.

After a flurry of year-end policymaking amid impeachment proceedings, both chambers of Congress recessed today and will return in early January.

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House Passes Seven-Year TRIA Reauthorization; Senate Banking Committee Advances Similar Bill

Capitol Hill

A seven-year reauthorization of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) passed the House this week (H.R. 4634) as the Senate Banking Committee advanced a similar bill (S. 2877).  Both bills would reauthorize the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program (TRIP) through December 31, 2027.

  • The House passed the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019 (H.R. 4634) on Nov. 18 by a vote of 385–22.  The measure was previously passed unanimously (57-0) by the House Financial Services Committee on Oct. 31.  (Roundtable Weekly, Nov. 1)
  • House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) stated on the House floor before the chamber vote, “Congress [originally] passed TRIA to ensure that terrorism risk insurance coverage would remain available and affordable. And since that time the program has been effective at doing just that … Treasury data also demonstrates that TRIA is important across America and not just in densely populated urban areas. In fact, they take up rate is higher in the Midwest than it is in the Northeast. I would urge all my colleagues to support this important legislation.”
  • In the Senate, a seven-year extension of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program (TRIP) was advanced by the Banking Committee on Nov. 20.  The reauthorization bill (S. 2877) was introduced last week by Sens. Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Tina Smith (D-MN), along with 13 bipartisan cosponsors.  The bill now goes to the full Senate, which has not yet scheduled a vote.
  • Chairman Crapo commented during the markup on the importance of TRIP which is scheduled to expire at the end of 2020.  “Since its establishment in 2002, the Program has been reauthorized three different times, in 2005, 2007 and 2015.  Given the Program’s importance to our nation’s economy, regardless of region or state, and the broad bipartisan support in both the House and Senate, it makes sense for the Banking Committee to consider the Program’s reauthorization now,” Crapo said.
  • The similar approach of the House and Senate bills increases the prospect that final passage of a TRIA reauthorization may be included as part of an end-of-the-year funding bill, although prospects of that outcome are uncertain.

Roundtable Chair Debra Cafaro (Chairman and Chief Executive Offer, Ventas Inc.) commented, “The Real Estate Roundtable strongly supports a seven-year reauthorization of TRIA to ensure that terrorism risk insurance coverage will remain available and affordable .  The Roundtable will continue to work with Senate and House policymakers and with the Coalition to Insure Against Terrorism to encourage enactment of this top legislative policy priority as soon as possible to add certainty to the marketplace and reassure stakeholders across many industries who rely on the availability of terrorism insurance coverage for their businesses.  Passage will promote the creation of jobs, enable new projects to proceed, and protect state pension fund investments and lender portfolios.”

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TRIA Reauthorization Legislation: Seven-Year Extension Introduced in Senate; Vote on Similar House Bill Scheduled Next Week

New York Cityscape

A bipartisan, seven-year TRIA reauthorization bill – the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019 (S. 2877) – was introduced in the Senate yesterday by Thom Tillis (R-NC) along with 15 original cosponsors – including Senate Banking Committee Chairman Mike Crapo (R-ID) and Ranking Member Sherrod Brown (D-OH).

  • The Senate bill is similar to a House measure that would reauthorize the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program through December 31, 2027. (Roundtable Weekly, Nov. 1).
  • Both bills preserve taxpayer reforms included in the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 and would also :

* Align the timing of mandatory recoupment from private insurers by the federal government in the event of an act of terrorism covered by the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program with the seven-year extension of the Program;

* Direct the Treasury Department in its biennial report on the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program and its effectiveness to include an evaluation of the availability and affordability of terrorism risk insurance, including specifically for places of worship; and

* Direct the Government Accountability Office to analyze and address, and report on, the vulnerabilities and potential costs of cyber terrorism, adequacy of coverage under the Program, and to make recommendations for future legislative changes to address evolving cyber terrorism risks.

  • Roundtable Chair Debra Cafaro (Chairman and Chief Executive Offer, Ventas Inc.) said, “The Roundtable is encouraged to see such positive momentum on TRIA legislation in both chambers of Congress. We will continue to work with policymakers on both sides of the aisle to communicate how this essential long-term reauthorization contributes to economic growth; avoids disruption to real estate capital flows; and ensures businesses of all types nationwide can obtain terrorism insurance well before the program’s scheduled expiration at the end of 2020.”
  • The Senate Banking Committee will markup the bill on Wednesday, Nov. 20.  While amendments are expected to be offered, the committee is expected to approve the bill on a bi-partisan basis.
  • In the House, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer today addressed legislation that will be considered next week in a leadership colloquy on the House floor.  “Madam Speaker, we will consider several bills on suspension of the rules including H.R. 4634 – the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act – a very significant and very bipartisan bill,” Hoyer said.
  • Bills considered under suspension of rules are subject a 40-minute limit on debate; a prohibition against floor amendments; and a two-thirds vote of those present and voting for passage.

The House Financial Services Committee on October 31 passed (57-0) the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019 (H.R. 4634).  In addition to extending TRIA for seven years, H.R. 4634 would also require a study on the cyber terrorism market and expand an ongoing study to also determine the availability and affordability of TRIA coverage for places of worship. (Roundtable Weekly, Nov. 1).

The Roundtable expects H.R. 4634 will pass the House next week as S. 2877 advances beyond the Senate Banking Committee.

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Seven-Year TRIA Reauthorization Advanced by House Financial Services Committee

House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA)

The House Financial Services Committee yesterday unanimously (57-0) passed the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019 (H.R. 4634) – a “clean” seven-year extension of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA), which is a top policy priority of The Real Estate Roundtable. 

  • The bipartisan House compromise bill also requires two studies: a U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) study on the cyber terrorism market and a biennial Treasury reporting on the ‘availability and affordability’ of TRIA coverage for places of worship.
  • Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), above, in her opening committee markup statement noted, “This bipartisan bill provides a simple long-term reauthorization of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program. Without a reauthorization, the program would expire at the end of 2020, but we could experience the harmful effects of a failure to reauthorize as soon as January of 2020. I am very pleased that I have reached a bipartisan compromise with Ranking Member [Patrick] McHenry [R-NC] on this issue for a seven-year reauthorization of this very important program.” (Committee Markup documents and video, Oct 29)
  • The Coalition to Insure Against Terrorrism (CIAT), which includes The Real Estate Roundtable, wrote to the committee’s leadership on Tuesday in support of H.R. 4634.  (CIAT letter, Oct. 29)
  • TRIA, originally passed in 2002, has been extended in 2005, 2007 and again in 2015 – following a 12-day lapse when Congress failed to complete their work on reauthorization at the end of 2014.
  • TRIA was the focus of a discussion during The Roundtable’s Oct. 30 Fall Meeting with American Property and Casualty Insurance Association President and CEO David Sampson.  The discussion emphasized that a long-term, clean TRIA reauthorization by Congress is needed as soon as possible to avoid market dislocation and provide certainty to commercial real estate policy holders who are actively renewing their coverage. 
  • Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer noted during an October 1 podcast episode of Through The Noise, “Businesses and facilities of all types need to see the terrorism risk insurance program extended. This need applies to hospitals, all commercial real estate buildings, educational facilities, sports facilities, NASCAR and theme parks, and really any place where commercial facilities host large numbers of people.”

The next step toward TRIA reauthorization is a floor vote in the House, which may occur before year-end. 

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Ten-Year TRIA Reauthorization Bill Scheduled for Late-October Markup in House

TRIA Reauthorization Bill News Conference - Oct. 19, 2019

House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) formally introduced H.R. 4634 – the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019 – on October 16 and stated it will be part of an October 29-30 full committee markup.  (Chairwoman Waters at podium, above).  The announcement came before a joint House subcommittee hearing, which focused on the program and a possible fourth reauthorization of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA).  

  • “We want to reauthorize [the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act] just as it is,” Waters told CQ Roll Call.  “We’ve got support from the Senate, that’s what the Senate wants to do. And you know it’s not easy for both sides to come together.”  (CQ, Oct. 16)
  • During the Wednesday news conference, Waters stated, “Nearly two decades after TRIA was enacted, TRIA has thankfully never been triggered, and the program is working as intended, effectively protecting our economy from the costs of a terrorist attack and providing security for many of our nation’s hospitals, stadiums, schools and small businesses.”
  • She added, “Without a reauthorization, the program would expire at the end of 2020, but we could experience the harmful effects of a failure to reauthorize as soon as January of 2020. And so, I am pleased to put forth … a bill that provides a ten-year clean reauthorization of TRIA.”  (Committee news release, Oct. 16)

  • TRIA has been extended in 2005, 2007 and again in 2015 – following a 12-day lapse when Congress failed to complete their work on reauthorization at the end of 2014.
  • A long-term, clean TRIA reauthorization is a top priority for The Real Estate Roundtable.  Before the House hearing, the Coalition to Insure Against Terrorism, which includes The Roundtable, wrote to the subcommittees’ leadership in support of H.R. 4634.  (CIAT letter, Oct. 16)
  • The Roundtable and nearly 350 companies and organizations also urged Congress on September 17 to swiftly pass a long-term TRIA reauthorization. (Roundtable Weekly, Sept. 20)
  • House Financial Services Committee Ranking Member Patrick McHenry (R-NC) stated during the Wednesday hearing that Congress should first update TRIA to address cyberterrorism risks. “We’ve had substantial changes internationally since the last reauthorization.  I want to make sure we do the right thing when it comes to cyber threats, and I don’t believe what we have currently in law is sufficient for that,” said McHenry.  (CQ, Oct. 16)
  • In the Senate, TRIA reauthorization was a focus of a June Banking Committee hearing chaired by Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID). (Roundtable Weekly, June 21)
  • Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer noted during an October 1 podcast episode of “Through The Noise,”, “Businesses and facilities of all types need to see the terrorism risk insurance program extended. This need applies to hospitals, all commercial real estate buildings, educational facilities, sports facilities, NASCAR and theme parks, and really any place where commercial facilities host large numbers of people.”
  • TRIA will be the focus of an October 30 discussion during The Roundtable’s Fall Meeting with American Property and Casualty Insurance Association President and CEO David Sampson.

Chairwoman Waters stated during the news conference that after the late October committee markup of H.R. 4634, “I am committed to bringing the bill to the floor soon afterward, and I will be exploring vehicles for the bill to be attached to.”

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Draft Legislation to Reauthorize TRIA 10 Years Circulated by House Financial Services Committee

Modern tower buildings or skyscrapers in financial district with cloud on sunny day in Chicago, USA. Construction industry, business enterprise organization, or communication technology concept

A draft bill to reauthorize the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) for 10 years is expected to be the focus of next week’s House Financial Services Committee hearing “Protecting America: The Reauthorization of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program.”

committee memo distributed this week notes that Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) will introduce the draft reauthorization bill

The Oct. 16 hearing will be webcast live here.

  • According to background provided by the Financial Services Committee memorandum, following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, “Analysts warned that the disappearance of affordable terrorism risk coverage would negatively affect the larger U.S. economy due to the importance of commercial insurance in a variety of business transactions.”  
  • In response, Congress passed the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 (TRIA), which established the first federal backstop for terrorism risk insurance. Specifically, TRIA established the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program (TRIP) within the Department of Treasury to provide federal reinsurance in the event of catastrophic losses.
  • TRIA was extended in 2005, 2007 and again in 2015 – following a 12-day lapse when Congress failed to complete their work on reauthorization at the end of 2014.
  • With TRIA currently set to expire at the end of 2020, a long-term, clean reauthorization is a top priority for The Real Estate Roundtable.  TRIA was a key topic of discussion last week during meetings of The Roundtable’s Homeland Security Task Force and Real Estate Capital Policy Advisory Committee in New York City. 
  • During an October 1 podcast episode of “Through The Noise,” Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer noted, “Businesses and facilities of all types need to see the terrorism risk insurance program extended. This need applies to hospitals, all commercial real estate buildings, educational facilities, sports facilities, NASCAR and theme parks, and really any place where commercial facilities host large numbers of people.”
  • The Roundtable and nearly 350 companies and organizations urged Congress on Sept. 17 to swiftly pass a long-term TRIA reauthorization. (Roundtable Weekly, Sept. 20)
  • A 2018 Treasury Department report noted that 78 percent of all TRIA-eligible policies included terrorism risk insurance coverage. Treasury data also showed that the take-up rate for terrorism risk insurance did not vary significantly by region (74 percent in the Northeast, 82 percent in the Midwest, 76 percent in the South, and 82 percent in the West). 
  • Treasury concluded that TRIP has been effective in making terrorism risk insurance available and affordable in the insurance marketplace.  (Treasury, Report on the Effectiveness of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program, June 2018)
  • Additionally, Financial Services Committee Member Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) hosted an Oct. 8 roundtable discussion on TRIA reauthorization in New York City with Reps. Nydia Velazquez (D-NY), Gregory Meeks (D-NY) and industry stakeholders.
  • Rep. Maloney stated, “The magnitude and importance of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act cannot be overstated. TRIA provides critical government backup to private insurers in the event of a terrorist attack and is especially vital to the economy of New York City. This morning I hosted a roundtable meeting alongside my colleagues in Congress and industry stakeholders to discuss how TRIA is working now, whether there should be any changes made to this legislation before reauthorization, and when Congress needs to act.”

She added, “What we learned today is that all the stakeholders agree that Congress should pass a clean, long-term reauthorization of this critically important legislation — without delay. The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act is one of the most important issues before Congress and it must be renewed with no disruption to coverage and no lapse in renewal.”  (Rep. Maloney news release, Oct. 8 and Twitter photo)

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House Hearing on TRIA Reauthorization Announced for Oct. 16

House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA)

House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), above,  yesterday announced an Oct. 16 subcommittee hearing that will focus on “Protecting America: The Reauthorization of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program.”  (Committee news release, Oct. 3)

  • Additionally, Financial Services Committee Member Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) will host a roundtable discussion on the reauthorization of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) on Oct. 8 in New York City.
  • With TRIA currently set to expire at the end of 2020, a long-term, clean reauthorization is a top priority for The Real Estate Roundtable.  Yesterday, TRIA was a key topic of discussion during meetings of The Roundtable’s Homeland Security Task Force and Real Estate Capital Policy Advisory Committee in New York City. 
  • TRIA was originally enacted in 2002 in response to the inability of insurance markets to predict, price and offer terrorism risk coverage to commercial policyholders.  The law was extended in 2005, 2007 and again in 2015 – following a 12-day lapse when Congress failed to complete their work on reauthorization at the end of 2014.
  • The Roundtable and nearly 350 companies and organizations urged Congress last week to swiftly pass a long-term TRIA reauthorization. (Roundtable Weekly, Sept. 20)
  • The Sept. 17 coalition letter notes, “The American business community remembers all too well the twelve-day lapse in the program in early 2015 and the disruption that lapse played in a variety of markets.  We urge Congress to help provide much needed certainty by passing a long-term reauthorization of this important program without delay.”
  • Absent TRIA, there is not sufficient insurance and reinsurance capital available to provide comprehensive terrorism coverage to U.S. insurance buyers,” the coalition states.  (Reinsurance News, Sept. 17)
  • 2019 Marsh study shows the highest “take-up” rates for terrorism risk insurance are in the education, media, financial institutions, real estate, hospitality and gaming, and health care sectors – all above 70%.

During an October 1 podcast episode of “Through The Noise,” Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer noted, “Businesses and facilities of all types need to see the terrorism risk insurance program extended. This need applies to hospitals, all commercial real estate buildings, educational facilities, sports facilities, NASCAR and theme parks, and really any place where commercial facilities host large numbers of people.”

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Broad Business Coalition Urges Congress to Extend Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA)

A broad business coalition urged Congress in a September 17 letter to swiftly pass a long-term reauthorization of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA), which is currently set to expire at the end of 2020.  Nearly 350 companies and organizations signed the letter including The Real Estate Roundtable.  (Coalition Letter 

  • TRIA was originally enacted in 2002 in response to the inability of insurance markets to predict, price and offer terrorism risk coverage to commercial policyholders.  The law was extended in 2005, 2007 and again in 2015 – following a 12-day lapse when Congress failed to complete their work on reauthorization at the end of 2014.
  • The coalition letter notes, “The American business community remembers all too well the twelve-day lapse in the program in early 2015 and the disruption that lapse played in a variety of markets.  We urge Congress to help provide much needed certainty by passing a long-term reauthorization of this important program without delay.”
  • The coalition emphasizes that TRIA has served as a vital public-private risk sharing mechanism, ensuring that private terrorism risk insurance coverage remains available to commercial businesses, educational institutions and non-profit organizations at virtually no cost to the taxpayer.  
  • According to a 2019 Marsh study, the education, media, financial institutions, real estate, hospitality and gaming, and health care sectors had the highest ‘take-up’ rates among the 17 industry segments surveyed – all above 70%.
  • Additionally, a 2018 Treasury Department report stated that “the Program has made terrorism risk insurance available and affordable in the United States, and the market for terrorism risk insurance has been relatively stable for the past decade.”
  • The letter emphasizes, “The undersigned organizations urge Congress to promptly enact a ‘clean’ long-term extension of this vital program.  Making changes to the TRIA mechanism to increase insurer retentions could affect the ability of many insurers, particularly smaller and mid-sized companies, to write risks or markets altogether, which ultimately impacts the ability of policyholders to secure adequate coverage.

Absent TRIA, there is not sufficient insurance and reinsurance capital available to provide comprehensive terrorism coverage to U.S. insurance buyers,” the coalition states.  (Reinsurance News, Sept. 17) 

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Senate Banking Committee Holds TRIA Hearing; Coalition to Insure Against Terrorism Urges Long-Term Reauthorization

A hearing on The Reauthorization of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program  before the Senate Banking Committee was held on June 18 as the Coalition to Insure Against Terrorism  (CIAT) – including The Real Estate Roundtable – submitted  comments  urging Congress to pass a long-term reauthorization of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA). 

CIAT’s comment letter  to Chairman Mike Crapo (R-ID), above, and Ranking Member Sherrod Brown (D-OH) urges prompt congressional action for a long-term reauthorization of this critical program.

  • CIAT’s comment letter to Chairman Mike Crapo (R-ID) and Ranking Member Sherrod Brown (D-OH) urges prompt congressional action for a long-term reauthorization of this critical program.  The letter states, “At almost no cost to the taxpayer, the Program has been the key factor in ensuring that the private insurance market has remained intact and continues to meet the needs of commercial policyholders during the on-going threat of a future terrorist attack – all while minimizing federal taxpayer exposure.”   
  • Senate Banking Committee Chairman Michael Crapo (R-ID) discussed reauthorization of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 (TRIPRA) at The Roundtable’s Spring Meeting in April.  (Roundtable Weekly, April 12).  The Committee’s Ranking Member, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-MA), acknowledged the need to extend TRIA before its expiration at The Roundtable’s Annual Meeting on June 11 in Washington.  (Roundtable Weekly, June 14) 
  • Testifying before the committee, Marsh’s property terrorism placement and advisory leader Tarique Nageer noted that the expiration of TRIPRA without a replacement could create capacity shortfalls, especially for firms with “significant workers’ compensation accumulations. 
  • Nageer stated, “We are already seeing an impact on policies that extend beyond 2020, with some insurers either seemingly unwilling to offer terrorism coverage beyond the expiration of TRIPRA or seeking to increase prices to cover the additional risk to their portfolios. Without a decision to reauthorize or extend TRIPRA, we expect to see more sunset provisions in policies and higher costs as we get closer to December 31, 2020.” (Nageer’s testimony, June 18)

    Marsh’s 2019 Terrorism Risk Insurance Report 

  • Chairman Crapo stated that he anticipates additional “balanced reforms” to TRIA that “reduce taxpayer exposure” without substantially increasing costs or decreasing take-up rates.  His focus was on what changes are necessary based on data, not whether the program is needed.  Only two Republicans attended the hearing, whereas the Democrats in attendance voiced unified support of TRIA. (Senate Banking Committee hearing video, statements and testimony)
  • Chairman Crapo and Sen. Brown agreed that it was important that reauthorization take place sooner rather than later to ensure a lapse in coverage does not happen again.   Sen. Menendez (D-NJ) noted during the hearing that a lapse in 2014 created uncertainty, resulted in sunset clauses on policies, and increased costs on long-term construction deals.  A similar situation could begin as early as January 1, 2020.  
  • Additional hearings on TRIA are expected that would include policyholder and insurer witnesses and could address issues such as the length of another reauthorization and the scope of TRIA regarding cyber, nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological risks. 

A long-term authorization of TRIA continues to be a top policy priority of The Real Estate Roundtable.  (Capital and Credit sections of The Roundtable’s 2019 Policy Agenda and  FY2019 Annual Report

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Pipe-Bomb Mailings Draw Attention to Building Security, Terrorism Risk Insurance Program

In the wake of this this week’s national pipe-bomb mail campaign, the implications for building security and terrorism risk insurance are profiled in today’s The Real Deal.  (Real Deal NY, Oct. 26)

In the wake of this this week’s national pipe-bomb mail campaign, the implications for building security and terrorism risk insurance are profiled in today’s The Real Deal.  (Real Deal NY, Oct. 26)

  • Real Estate Roundtable Senior Vice President Chip Rodgers is quoted in the article, which reports how numerous building managers are ramping up security after multiple suspicious packages containing potential explosive devices were found mailed to high-profile Democrats throughout the country. 
  • The Real Deal also reports that the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) helps building owners manage the risks associated with large-scale acts of terrorism.
  • Rodgers comments that although the small size of the devices discovered this week are not likely to trigger TRIA, the attempted attacks show how “terrorism continues to pose a clear and present danger to our nation, to American businesses and to real estate.” 
  • With the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 (TRIPRA) scheduled expiration date at the end of 2020, The Roundtable is advocating for the long-term reauthorization of the program.Rodgers also notes that “TRIA does not stop terrorist attacks, but it does undermine the goals of terrorists who seek to weaken or destroy our economy.”  He adds other nations have permanent terrorism insurance programs because they “recognize that markets cannot underwrite this risk.”
  • “There is no homeland security without economic security,” Rodgers told The Real Deal.

The Roundtable’s Homeland Security Task Force (HSTF) and Risk Management Working Group (RMWG) met on Oct. 18 at the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s New York City office to discuss the threat landscape and real estate industry concerns.  HSTF and RMWG will meet next on Nov. 13 at the FBI’s Washington, DC headquarters.