The Roundtable Shares 2025 Tax Legislative Agenda with Lawmakers

Responding to a request for input from the chairs of the House Ways and Means Committee and Ways and Means Tax Policy Subcommittee, The Real Estate Roundtable submitted comments on the pending expiration of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 and ways in which tax policy can support long-term investment, economic stability, and the creation of affordable housing. (Letter, Oct. 2)

Roundtable Recommendations

The letter from Roundtable President and CEO Jeffrey DeBoer urges lawmakers to ensure that any major tax legislation in 2025 retain or include:

  • The reduced tax rate on long-term capital gains. The capital gains rate is critical for driving long-term real estate investment and fostering job creation. Raising capital gains rates, taxing unrealized gains, or double-taxing gains at death would deter entrepreneurship, increase costs, and reduce economic mobility.
  • Tax fairness for partnerships and pass-through entities. Half of the nation’s tax partnerships are real estate-related, making these provisions vital to the industry’s success.  Section 199A, which provides a 20% deduction on pass-through business income (including REIT dividend income), allows privately held businesses to compete on a level playing field with large corporations.
  • Like-kind exchanges. Section 1031 allows for the deferral of capital gains through real estate exchanges and helps gets languishing properties into the hands of new owners who will invest in, and improve, them.  Retaining section 1031 is vital to promoting reinvestment in communities, creating opportunities for minority and small business owners, and improving struggling properties.
  • Tax rules that encourage, rather than deter, foreign investment in U.S. real estate. Targeted changes to the outdated and discriminatory Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) could unlock capital for large-scale real estate and infrastructure projects that create jobs and spur economic development.
  • Incentives for affordable housing, energy efficiency, and community revitalization. The Roundtable supports expanding the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC), improving the real estate-related clean energy tax provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act, and introducing new incentives for the conversion of obsolete commercial buildings into affordable housing. The letter also calls for a long-term extension of Opportunity Zone (OZ) tax incentives and preserving carried interest tax rules that recognize and reward sweat equity with capital gains treatment.

The Roundtable is committed to working with lawmakers to ensure the U.S. maintains a competitive tax code that encourages capital formation, rewards entrepreneurial risk-taking, and supports critical policy objectives, including accessible and affordable housing and safe and healthy communities.

Impact of Rate Cuts on CRE and Housing Markets

The Federal Reserve’s recent decision to cut rates renewed optimism in the commercial real estate market, following a prolonged period of high interest rates and economic headwinds. This monetary easing is seen as critical to the CRE sector’s path to recovery—reducing financing costs and helping stabilize property valuations.

Industry Insights

  • These predicted rate cuts, alongside lower bond yields, are expected to boost commercial real estate investment activity and asset values. (CBRE, Sept. 18)
  • Roundtable member Willy Walker (CEO, Walker & Dunlop) appeared on CNBC’s Squawk Box, to discuss the importance of removing barriers such as zoning restrictions to increase housing supply. “It’s going to be a very healthy market for commercial real estate as rates start to come down.” (Watch)
  • Roundtable member David O’Reilly (CEO, Howard Hughes Holdings) discussed the resurgence of new construction in the housing market on Fox Business, anticipating that home prices will stabilize in response to interest rates cuts, influencing both demand and affordability. He also highlighted the effects of prolonged high rates on pricing and market trends. “As long as those rates continue to trend lower… demand picks up, more sales occur, prices will remain steady as home builders continue to deliver more supply to meet that demand.” (Watch)

Housing Affordability at the Forefront

  • The Senate Budget Committee, chaired by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), held a hearing this Wednesday, Sept. 25, on housing unaffordability. The hearing focused on the need for significant policy reform to boost housing supply, remove regulatory barriers to new construction, and deregulate land use and zoning. (Watch Hearing)
  • Chair Whitehouse introduced the Affordable Housing Construction Act, which aims to tackle the housing crisis by expanding the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, loosening financing requirements, and ensuring affordability for 50 years— an increase from the previous 30-year mark. (Sen. Whitehouse News Release)
  • The bill also pushes for more sustainable, energy-efficient, and accessible housing.

Rate cuts from the Fed are providing relief for both CRE and housing markets, but sustained recovery and resolution of the affordability crisis will require continued policy reform, increased housing supply, and greater collaboration between public and private sectors.

Bipartisan Tax Bill Stalls in Senate

Yesterday, the Senate failed to pass a bipartisan $79 billion tax package, the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 (H.R. 7024). The House-passed legislation seeks to extend various expiring tax provisions from the 2017 and pandemic-related tax bills. (WSJ, Aug. 1 | The Hill, Aug. 1)

Key Points

  • Bipartisan Effort: Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR) and House Ways and Means Committee Chair Jason Smith (R-MO) crafted the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 (H.R. 7024). The bill passed the House on Jan. 31 by an overwhelming 357-70 vote.
  • Senate Opposition: Despite bipartisan support, the bill faced significant opposition in the Senate, where critics argued it failed to adequately address long-term fiscal concerns and prioritized short-term fixes.
  • Roundtable Support: The bill included Roundtable-supported measures on business interest deductibility, bonus depreciation, and the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC).
  • Other provisions in the agreement: Reforms to the child tax credit, the expensing of R&D costs, disaster tax relief, a double-taxation tax agreement with Taiwan, and a large pay-for that creates significant new penalties for abuse of the employee retention tax credit (ERTC) rules and accelerates the expiration of the ERTC. (RW, Jan. 19)

Roundtable Advocacy

  • In February, The Roundtable and a large coalition of housing and other real estate groups sent letters to Congress in support of the tax bill. (RW, Feb. 16)
  • The Roundtable and the Housing Affordability Coalition’s letter emphasized the importance of advancing provisions in the bill that strengthen the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC)—along with various real estate investment measures that would benefit families, workers, and the national economy.
  • The coalition noted how the bill would increase the housing supply as a positive response to the nation’s housing affordability crisis. It would also suspend certain tax increases on business investment that took effect in 2022 and 2023. 

Congress will return to Washington on September 9, with several critical legislative priorities on the agenda, including decisions on key housing policies and potential new regulations impacting the commercial real estate industry.

Roundtable and Industry Coalition Urge Congress to Enact Affordable Housing Policies and Incentives

Housing Coalition April 29, 2024 joint letter to Congress

This week, The Real Estate Roundtable and a broad real estate industry coalition encouraged lawmakers to pursue bipartisan solutions that would increase the supply of affordable and market-rate housing through specific policies and programs to help communities meet their housing challenges. (Coalition letter, April 29)

Legislation and Programs

  • The coalition letter to Congress and the Biden administration detailed policy solutions to help develop and preserve housing at all price points by enacting industry-supported bills in the House and Senate, encouraging incentive-based programs, streamlining regulatory burdens, and supporting public-private partnerships.
  • The specific proposals detailed in the letter will work best when paired with state and local government policies to meet the demand for rental homes.
  • Specific policies outlined in the letter would streamline and fast-track the entitlement and approval process; provide density bonuses and other incentives for developers to include workforce units in their properties; and enable “by-right” zoning and create more fully entitled parcels.
  • Other programs and bills defer taxes and other fees for a set period of time; lower construction costs by contributing underutilized buildings and raw land; create incentives to encourage higher density development near job and transportation hubs; and expand and strengthen the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program. Legislation would also encourage Yes In My Backyard (YIMBY) policies to remove discriminatory land use policies and other barriers that depress housing production.
  • Among the key bills strongly supported by the coalition are the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (S.1557 & H.R.3238), Workforce Housing Tax Credit Act (S.3425 & H.R.6686), and Revitalizing Downtowns Act (S. 2511 & H.R.419). 
  • The coalition expects the Opportunity Zones program to spur the production of new multifamily housing, but to maximize its effectiveness, the industry groups recommend Congress revitalize and enhance Opportunity Zones to incentivize rehabilitation of housing units.

Biden Administration Proposals

The White House
  • The coalition described the Biden Administration’s Housing Supply Action Plan as a thoughtful proposal that rightly acknowledges that there is no single solution to the housing shortage. The letter also expressed support for several proposals included in the President’s FY25 federal budget proposal, including proposals to expand and enhance the LIHTC, the Neighborhood Homes Credit, and increased funding for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program.
  • However, the coalition also urged Congress to reject certain tax proposals included in the administration’s FY25 budget, such as increases in the capital gains rate. These policies would directly impact the operations of housing providers, as most are structured as “flow-through” entities where earnings are passed through to owners who pay taxes at the individual level. The tax increases under consideration would reduce real estate investment and inhibit the capital flows that are so critical to the development and preservation of critically needed housing. 

It is unlikely that new housing or tax-related legislation will be enacted before the November presidential election. Proposals now under consideration may have better opportunities for advancement in a post-election lame-duck session or during a new Congress in 2025.

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White House Recommends Policies to Increase Affordable Housing

2024 Economic Report of the President & Council of Economic Advisers

The White House Council of Economic Advisers released a report yesterday on policies to boost the supply of affordable rental and ownership units—proposals that could form the foundation of a housing push during a second Biden term. (2024 Economic Report of the President and New York Times, March 21)

Zoning Reform, LIHTC

  • The report explains that the federal government could reduce exclusionary zoning via grants and other spending, and directly subsidize affordable unit construction through programs like the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC). The report adds, “Ultimately, meaningful change will require State and local governments to reevaluate the land-use regulations that reduce the housing supply.”

Addressing Equity

  • The Council’s report addresses how increasing the housing supply could increase access and equity for groups with few financial resources, increase overall wealth, and reduce disparities across groups. (Page 163 of the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers)
  • The report notes that exclusionary zoning policies, such as prohibitions on multifamily homes, are a “subset of local land-use regulations that can constrain the housing supply and thus decrease affordability.”

This week, President Biden also spoke in Las Vegas about his plans to “establish an innovative program to help communities build and renovate housing or convert housing from empty office spaces into housing, empty hotels into housing.” (White House remarks, March 19 and Roundtable Weekly, March 15)

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White House Focuses on Affordable Housing Policy Proposals

This week President Biden and his top economic advisor previewed a new Housing Innovation Fund and forthcoming proposals to encourage additional housing development. The White House’s focus on affordable housing confirmed it will be a top administration priority as the presidential election season picks up momentum. (Politico, March 14)

Administration’s Housing Remarks

  • Following his March 6 State of the Union address, which addressed new tax incentives for homebuyers and an expansion of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), President Biden spoke this week about other aspects of his housing plan. (Roundtable Weekly, March 8 | White House Fact Sheets: Budget, March 11 and Housing, March 7)
  • Biden stated during comments at the National League of Cities, “The federal budget that I’m releasing today has a plan for 2 million more affordable homes, including housing — a housing innovation fund to help communities like yours build housing, renovate housing, and convert empty office space and hotels into housing. The bottom line is we have to build, build, build. That’s how we bring housing costs down for good.” (White House transcript and C-Span video, March 11)

New Initiatives

White House National Economic Advisor Lael Brainard
  • White House National Economic Advisor Lael Brainard, above, also addressed the president’s housing proposals this week. “While tax credits are a proven way to boost supply, it is also vital to support the efforts of governors, county executives, and mayors who are pioneering new approaches that can be scaled. That’s why the president is proposing a new $20 billion Innovation Fund for Housing Expansion to help communities expand their housing supply,” Brainard remarked. (White House transcript, March 12)
  • Brainard also previewed forthcoming administration housing policies. “In the months ahead, we will take further action– from supporting communities in identifying and removing barriers to housing production to promoting the use of federal resources for conversions from office to residential,” Brainard said. (Urban Institute video of speech and interview, March 12)
  • She confirmed that “the centerpiece of the president’s Plan is an expansion of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) that would produce or preserve 1.2 million affordable units over the next decade.” (HousingWire, March 12)

During a Senate Banking hearing on March 12 on Housing Affordability, Availability, and Other Community Needs, bipartisan support was also expressed for expanding the LIHTC—a policy strongly supported by The Roundtable. (Roundtable Weekly, March 1 and Feb. 16)

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President Biden Proposes New Housing Incentives, Increased Taxes on Wealthy Individuals and Public Corporations

President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address last night included proposals to levy a 25 percent minimum tax on wealthy individuals, increase the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28 percent, and raise the alternative minimum tax on large corporations from 15 to 21 percent. He also called on Congress to pass legislation to support the construction or rehabilitation of more than 2 million homes and rolled out new tax incentives for homebuyers. (Biden’s Remarks | White House Fact Sheets on Taxes and Housing, March 7)

Proposed Tax Increases

  • Biden proposed to levy a 25 percent minimum tax on those with wealth of more than $100 million. He committed to not raising taxes on those making $400,000 or less while heavily criticizing the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) as a $2 trillion giveaway to high-income households and corporations. (Tax Policy Center | Forbes, March 8)
  • Most of the Biden tax agenda is carried over from his prior budgets and includes provisions that he was unable to pass when Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress. While not detailed in his speech, the White House’s upcoming 2025 budget could include past proposals to raise taxes on real estate like-kind exchanges and carried interest income. (Roundtable Weekly, March 10, 2023)
  • Many provisions from the 2017 tax bill will expire at the end of 2025, including the 20 percent deduction for pass-through business income, the cap on the deductibility of state and local taxes, and the reduction in the top individual tax rate from 39.6 to 37 percent. The approaching expiration of the individual provisions creates a tax “cliff” that is likely to drive tax negotiations next year.

Housing Plan

Real Estate coalition  response to President Biden's SOTU housing proposals.
Real estate coalition response to President Biden’s SOTU housing proposals.
  • The White House’s Fact Sheet on housing describes the administration’s plans to establish new tax credits for first-time homebuyers and individuals who sell their starter homes. The tax credit for home sellers seeks to address the “lock-in” effect associated with current high interest rates.The president would also increase spending on affordable housing by Federal Home Loan Banks. (PoliticoPro and White House Fact Sheet on Housing, March 7)
  • The White House Fact Sheet also includes an expansion of the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) to support an additional 1.2 million affordable rental units and a new Neighborhood Homes Tax Credit to encourage the construction or preservation of over 400,000 affordable, owner-occupied homes. Bipartisan legislation to expand LIHTC passed the House in January and is pending in the Senate.
  • The National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) and nine industry groups responded to the negative aspects of Biden’s housing plan. A coalition letter explained how proposals to limit fee for service arrangements would hurt renters by undermining the administration’s objectives of lowering housing costs, driving new housing development, and creating more affordable rental housing. President Biden has also supported Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission investigations into rental rate fixing—investigations that many in the industry believe are highly questionable. (NMHC statement and real estate coalition letter, March 7)

Funding Watch

  • After the House passed a spending package this week to fund several federal agencies through September, the Senate has until midnight tonight to pass the bill and avoid a partial government shutdown.
  • Approval from all 100 senators is necessary to fast track the process. The consideration of multiple amendments could delay a final vote until Saturday, necessitating a temporary funding extension to avoid disruption and get the final bill to President Biden for his signature. (The Hill, March 8)

The next government funding deadline is March 22, which requires a new spending package to fund the Pentagon, Health and Human Services, Labor, and other agencies. Policymakers agreed on this two-tiered stopgap funding plan (March 8 and 22) to buy time to negotiate a full-year appropriations bill. (Roundtable Weekly, March 1)

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Senate Republicans Seek Changes to House-Passed Tax Package

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR), left, and Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-ID), right.

The Senate Finance Committee’s top Republican made it clear this week that he wants changes to a House-passed $78 billion tax package, which includes Roundtable-supported measures on business interest deductibility, bonus depreciation, and the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC). [Roundtable Weekly, Feb. 2 | PoliticoPro and Tax Notes, Feb. 29]

Senate Republicans Concerns

  • The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 (H.R. 7024) passed the House on Jan. 31 by an overwhelming 357-70 vote. House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) are pressing Senators to support its passage. (Axios, Feb. 16)
  • Senate Republicans considering the House tax package have called for an amendment process that could be time consuming. (The Hill, Feb. 2)
  • Finance Committee Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-ID) laid out the changes he would like to see in the bill in a Feb. 28 news release. A major issue for Sen. Crapo is a reform to the Child Tax Credit (CTC) that allows taxpayers to rely on income from prior years when determining their eligibility for the refundable credit. (Fiscal Times, Feb. 29)
  • Sen. Crapo added in comments to Tax Notes this week that “There’s just a lot of separate issues that need to get sorted out. Everything from traditional extenders to LIHTC to SECURE 2.0.”

Congressional Timing

  • Sen. Crapo also stated in his news release that “… with each week that has passed, (Republican) members have strongly voiced additional calls for numerous modifications, and there are also increasing concerns about making 2023 changes this far into the IRS tax filing season.” The Senator said he is “committed to seeking a bipartisan resolution that a majority of Senate Republicans can support.” (Tax Notes, Feb. 29)
  • Sen. Wyden and senior congressional staff discussed the tax package with Roundtable members during The Roundtable’s all-member 2024 State of the Industry Meeting in Washington. (Roundtable Weekly, Jan. 26)
  • Additionally, The Roundtable and 21 other industry organizations that comprise the Housing Affordability Coalition urged the Senate on Feb. 15 to pass the tax package. The coalition’s letter emphasized the importance of advancing provisions in (H.R. 7024) that strengthen the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC)—along with various real estate investment measures that would benefit communities and the broader economy. (Coalition letter, Feb. 15)

The best chances for enacting the tax package may be in combination with a government funding bill later in March. (See story above).

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Roundtable and Housing Affordability Coalition Urge Senate to Pass Tax Package

Housing Affordability Coalition logos

This week, The Real Estate Roundtable and 21 other industry organizations urged the Senate to pass a tax package that was approved by the House in an overwhelming bipartisan vote (357-70) on Jan. 31. (Coalition letter, Feb. 15)

Tax Provisions in the Senate

  • The Housing Affordability Coalition’s letter to all Senators emphasized the importance of advancing provisions in The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 (H.R. 7024) that strengthen the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC)—along with various real estate investment measures that would benefit families, workers, and the national economy.
  • The coalition noted how the bill would increase the supply of housing as a positive response to the nation’s housing affordability crisis. It would also suspend certain tax increases on business investment that took effect in 2022 and 2023. 
  • The Feb. 15 letter focused on details of the bill’s provisions that positively impact the LIHTC, deductibility of business interest, bonus depreciation, and small business expensing.
  • The Roundtable also joined the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) and a large coalition of housing and other real estate groups in a Jan. 26 letter to Congress in support of the tax package. That letter also focused on the bill’s important improvements to the LIHTC, which will significantly increase the construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing over the next three years.

Congressional Timing

U.S. Capitol building
  • Senate Republicans considering the House tax package have called for an amendment process that would be time consuming. (The Hill, Feb. 2)
  • With Congress in recess until the last week of February, there will be limited legislative vehicles available the bill could ride on, just days before a set of government funding deadlines hit on March 1 and 8. The best chances the package could have for inclusion in other legislation include a potential funding bill to prevent an early March government shutdown or a bill to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration on March 8.
  • If the tax package is pushed beyond March, it may not be considered until a lame duck session after what is expected to be a contentious election season.

SALT Reform Pinched

  • On Feb. 14, a procedural rule to advance the SALT Marriage Penalty Elimination Act (H.R. 7160) to a floor vote in the House fell short of a majority vote needed to pass.
  • The effort by House lawmakers to double the $10,000 cap on state-and-local tax deductions (SALT) for married couples earning up to $500,000 failed by a vote of 195-225. (RollCall and CQ, Feb. 14)

The tax package (H.R. 7024) passed by the House last month did not address the SALT cap, which led to this week’s consideration of a separate reform measure. The current SALT cap is scheduled to expire at the end of 2025, along with many other measures passed as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017.

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Bipartisan Tax Package with LIHTC and Business Provisions Passes House; Senate Challenges Ahead

A bipartisan $79 billion tax package overwhelmingly approved this week by the House still faces potential hurdles in the Senate. The bill contains Roundtable-supported measures on business interest deductibility, bonus depreciation, and the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC).  (Associated Press, and Wall Street Journal, Jan. 31 | The Hill, Feb. 2)

Industry Support for House Bill

  • On Wednesday, the House voted 357-70 to pass the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 (H.R. 7024). House GOP leaders gained additional support for the bill by allowing a floor vote next week on the SALT Marriage Penalty Elimination Act (H.R. 7160), which would increase the cap on state and local tax deductions to $20,000 from $10,000 for married couples. (PoliticoPro and TaxNotes, Feb. 2)
  • House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) negotiated the larger tax package. Sen. Wyden and senior congressional staff discussed the legislation last week with Roundtable members during The Roundtable’s all-member 2024 State of the Industry Meeting in Washington. (Roundtable Weekly, Jan. 26)
  • Last Friday, The Roundtable joined the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) and a large coalition of housing and other real estate groups in a letter to Congress in support of the tax bill.  The letter focused on the bill’s important improvements to the low-income housing tax credit, which will significantly increase the construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing over the next 3 years. (Coalition letter, Jan. 26)

Tax Measures Face Senate Scrutiny

  • In the Senate, the House-passed tax bill faces an uncertain path forward. Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID) and other Republican Senators have raised concerns regarding the lack of a work requirement for the child credit, the cost, the proposed pay-for, and other aspects of the bill. Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-SD) added the bill would not be able to clear a possible Senate filibuster without amendment votes. (The Hill, Feb. 2)
  • Provisions in the House tax bill affecting real estate include:

    • Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
      A Roundtable-supported three-year extension (2023–2025) of the 12.5 percent increase in LIHTC allocations to states. The bill also reforms LIHTC’s tax-exempt bond financing requirement, which will allow more affordable housing projects to receive LIHTC allocations outside of the state cap.

    • Business Interest Deductibility
      A retroactive, four-year extension (2022–2025) of the taxpayer-favorable EBITDA standard for measuring the amount of business interest deductible under section 163(j). The changes do not alter the exception to the interest limitation that applies to interest attributable to a real estate business.

    • Bonus Depreciation 
      Extension of 100 percent bonus depreciation through the end of 2025. As under current law, leasehold and other qualifying interior improvements are eligible for bonus depreciation. In 2026, bonus depreciation would fall to 20 percent and expire altogether after 2026.  

Other provisions in the agreement include reforms to the child tax credit, the expensing of R&D costs, disaster tax relief, a double-taxation tax agreement with Taiwan, and a large pay-for that creates significant new penalties for abuse of the employee retention tax credit (ERTC) rules and accelerates the expiration of the ERTC.

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